Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I'm back!

Oh my goodness! I haven't blogged since February 15th! The time has flown by in a blur of school runs, shopping, trying to exercise, minding the baby and endless loads of laundry. So I'll do a quick catch up.  Child No2 made his confirmation on March 26th and we had a nice family dinner in our local restaurant. I bought out my car from Volkswagen and now I need to sell it and then buy a 9 seater. I am feverishly searching on Done deal and Car Zone every day. Child No1 was injured by the orthodontist on Monday.The orthodontist was trying to fit  a ring around the tooth to add a bracket and her hand slipped thus stabbing ChildNo1 in roof mouth with the metal implement that she was using. He was very upset understandably. We have to go down again on Friday for a check up. I am constantly on the road with orthodontist appointments, GP appointments, Diabetes Clinics and of course all the matches and training, music lessons, etc.
Child No1 has quit music lessons but ChildNo4 has started so I am still travelling as often. My husband took ChildNo1 to a football match on Mother's Day 50 miles away and he wasn't even played. It is so annoying. I believe every child should get a chance to play, even if it is only 5 minutes. It is so important for their confidence.
The baby will turn 6 months on Friday April 6th and I am back to work on Monday. I cannot believe my Maternity Leave is all but over. I have enjoyed being in my little, safe bubble at home. I have loved returning home after the school run and pottering around doing my bits and pieces and enjoying my baby. Now, it's back to rush in the mornings and work wear!I bought a few new pairs of trousers as my others won't close post baby. I also went into Brown Thomas and bought Mac make up...the ELF is just not cutting it anymore! Thankfully, I had the good sense to get measured for a bra and needed to go from 38C when pregnant to 34 D. No wonder I was drooping!
March was a busy month with my parents 'birthdays, St. Patrick's Day parade, Mother's Day and the confirmation,
I will be one week back at work when I am off again for Easter thank goodness! I advertised for a cleaner to help me keep on top of the housework but no one has replied to my ad yet.
I booked the baby's christening for the first weekend in June. We will have the party at the house as no where is available for dinner that weekend.
I have booked our accomodation for both weddings and it is totalling to over 1500 for accomodation alone for the 8 of us!
I better go and put the baby to sleep before the school run then I need to appy for a top up on caar loan and clean the car.
I'll try blog more frequently.
Bye for now!

Back after nearly a year! Ouick update! Big changes!

Hello everyone, I have neglected my blog shamefully since my return to work last April! Once I returned to work, time passed in a complete ...