Friday, January 25, 2019

Turning over a new leaf

I wake up this morning at 5am to feed the little guzzler. He decides it's play time and keeps laughing and playing until about 6 30am in between bouts of spitting up all over me, down the nape of my neck and in my hair. As a result, both my husband and I sleep in. I continue to hide under the duvet unwilling to face the morning while my husband roars at Child#1 to get up or he'll miss the bus. Child#1 indeeds misses the bus so my husband has to drop him to school while his coworker again awaits  his return outside. I run around in my nightgown, avoiding the windows in case the coworker sees me and get the other children up. I then run back upstairs to have a shower to get all the milky vomit out of my hair. I quickly throw on my fitness gear and soon I am ready to do the school run.

 I watched Operation Transformation Wednesday night so my weight loss goals have been renewed. I even downloaded the OT app. I am slightly concerned about the amount of food allowed but I console myself that I should be allowed extra as I am breastfeeding. My sister has purchased the bridesmaid dresses and as they are on the small side, I need to get my ass in gear and shift the last few pounds (ok 2 stone). According to the app, my portions are way too large.

Anyway, I drop the children to school and I am back home again in record time. Unlike yesterday...after my husband so kindly dropped Child#1 to school in my car, I had to turn around and go straight out again with his cross training gear that he had forgotten.
I rushed home to the baby and then had to return out to town again for my smear test despite my Mother in Law advising that I cancel it because they are horrible and that she never bothered with them. I try to explain the importance of regular cervical screening but she is of a different generation and thinks all those things are unmentionable. After my test, I argue with my mother in law to give me the baby so I can return him to his car seat. She wants to keep him on her knee in the passenger seat because he is 'happy there' and can 'see out'. We finally make it home and I see the man has arrived to fix the heat. He looks relieved to see me as the three dog mill around him, Lucky snapping his ankles and Holly sliming his fancy clothes.
I feed the baby and have lunch and then it is time to race off again to do the school run and music lessons. Child#4 and 5 get off at my Mom's and I continue on with Child#2 and 3 who declare they  are starving on route. I stop quickly to buy them some food and water in Lidl and then speed out to the Music Lessons. I decide to walk with the baby for the hour rather than sleep on the Music Teacher's couch. I manage 28 minutes and return to the warmth and cosiness of her sitting room pretending it is too cold out for the baby.
I arrive home and make two dinners to keep everyone happy. I walk in to the sitting room and I can't believe my eyes when I see the mess. I lose my temper with my husband and the older children for not picking up after themselves and for seeing me as a slave. I find it hard enough to cook, clean and do laundry and try to exercise and shop and mind the kids. I do not know how I will manage when I have to work full time as well. The days fly by and I feel I cannot get around to everything. So to see my husband and the older boys lounging on the couches with cushions, throws and Frube wrappers strewn around the floor and empty plates and dirty socks...I lose any bit of sanity I had.
I retire to my bedroom to put the baby to bed. I read about the horrific car accident on the M50 and so lie awake most of the night imagining terrifying scenarios and vowing never to drive on the M50 again.
Anyway, I digress.. back to today. Today was quite a productive day. After finishing the school run, I was happy to return home with no appointments or commitments to honour. I feed the baby and put on a load of laundry. I ignore the growing pile of clothes to be folded in the dining room. I know if I start into it now, I will not get my workout done. I put on two eggs to boil and while they are cooking, I turn on Lucy's 7 minute challenge and do 3 sets! Delighted with myself for completing 21 minutes, I go on to do 60 bridges and 10 clams.
I decide to design checklists for each time I exercise rather than fold the clothes and before I know it my mother in law has appeared again for me to take her for pension.
I wait outside the little post office/shop while my mother in law goes in to gossip and collect her pension. She arrives back out in tears saying the post office has been closed down. I feel sorry for her as tears roll down her cheeks as she asks what the old people are to do now. She really enjoyed going to collect her pension each Friday and chatting to her friends. It really is a shame that the government has closed down so many village post offices thus isolating the elderly further.

I check on my mom before collecting the kids from school. Her car went into the drain this morning because two pheasants jumped suddenly out of the bushes and put her off the road. She is a bit shaken but otherwise ok thank God. However, both mom and I nearly blow a fuse (well me, not Mom) as we spend at least five minutes chasing my sister's dog around the house with slices of ham trying to trick her into coming close enough to grab her collar. She has a new hobby of chasing cars. My mother in law declares that teachers should not have dogs and that my sister's dog is a rotten, bold dog. Once the dog is safely contained, I leave and I am just in time to pick up the kids from school. We go home to enjoy my freshly home made soup. The kids leave the majority of soup in the bowl and just dip their bread in it. I don't know why I bother. I go for a long walk on the beach to clear my head. I have been headachy for a few days now as the sugar leaves my system.

Child#1 calls me to go collect him in town. I rush out to get him and find him hanging around the play ground with his cool friends. I hurry him in to the car and speed home to make dinner. My husband promises that he will be home in time to do the rugby training. I feed the kids and I am looking forward to my own fresh fish dinner and honey roasted parsnips when I realise there is no sign of my husband. I finally get through to him on the phone and he says he has lost track of time. Well I lost my sh*t and roared a few choice words down the phone. I try to ring my mother in law to mind the kids but she is not answering. So I bundle the baby into the car and warn Child#2 to watch the other three while I drop Child#1 to rugby. Luckily, my husband meets me half way and takes Child#1 and I return home again to a dried out dinner. I notice the children have not finished their meals. When I ask why, Child#4 and 5 tell me that Child#2 told them to stop eating it in case they choked and he wanted to watch television not sit in the kitchen watching them eat! I give out to Child#2 and I tidy up after dinner. I bang pots and pans as I fume. The dinner is ruined because of my husband's lateness and the childen didn't even eat their dinners so it was all a waste of time! I try Lucy's 4 minute Arm Toning workout while I watch Coronation Street. It hurt like hell but I keep going as I imagine my lovely toned arms as I glide down the aisle in my bridesmaid dress.

Once my husband returns home from rugby, I take the baby and go upstairs to write. I have a splitting headache and I have to repeatedly banish Child#2 from my room. He is demanding I go over to his Nannie's to put WD40 on is bike chain before his sleepover with his friend tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I have to go to a rugby match and bring Child#3 and 5 to the Sweet Shop for their reward for two weeks of stickers for going to bed without trouble. I am already dreading Child#4's reaction to not getting sweets. He certainly won't be getting a reward for lowing like a cow every night.
My husband is working tomorrow so I will have to freeze on the pitch for ages.
I better go and get some rest to try get rid of this headache. 

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Back after nearly a year! Ouick update! Big changes!

Hello everyone, I have neglected my blog shamefully since my return to work last April! Once I returned to work, time passed in a complete ...