Friday, February 15, 2019


Hello again,
It has been nearly a week again since I have posted a blog. I'd like to say I was extremely busy being healthy but alas, I fear not. I get up every morning and bake muffins for the kids, do the school run, sort the laundry and tidy the house so I can tick it off on my cleaning sheet. Then, if I don't have to do shopping, I sit and hold the baby and read or watch you tube videos until it is time to pick up the children again.
Once I pick up the kids, it's all go, between feeding them and bringing them to their activities. So, that window of two hours quiet time is important so I am not frazzled by the time I collect them.
The days of my Maternity Leave are numbered, therefore I need to pull back from all the rushing and enjoy the baby before I am back to work. My poor sister returned to work last Monday and has one week down already.
I have spent my quiet time today researching Art Competitions and courses for Child#2. Both Child#1 and Child#2 are exceptionally able. I had them assessed by an Educational Psychologist a few years ago because of their high test scores and their boredom in class. Anyway, Child#1 is kept busy with his friends, sport, xbox and the wonders of First Year whereas poor Child#2 is bored and getting increasingly frustrated. He has a huge interest in History and Art and Lego but I cannot answer a lot of his questions. I contacted a local historian to take him under his wing so fingers crossed that will work out. Unfortunately, we are over an hour from the city where there are numerous courses that he could access. Child#3 is the same way but I have not had him assessed as he is managing well in school. Again, he puts his energies into rugby, soccer and football.
As for Child#4 and 5, I will focus on trying to get homework done without a  huge row!
Child#1, 2, 3,  and 4 have rugby matches tomorrow. The buses leave at 8.15a.m. There goes my small sleep in window!
As you may have noticed, today is February 15th and I am here safely at home typing and not in hosptial getting my surgery! I am still not sure that I made the right decision putting it off for a while, but trying to make up my mind about it drove me crazy so it was best to postpone until I felt better about it.
I got my yearly dozen red roses yesterday evening from the husband. I made him a little card and tried to pass it off as being an extra thoughtful gesture. In truth, I didn't want to stop and buy a card and risk all the kids running out of the car into the shop. I will take him out for dinner when my bank account is not in the red. I rubbed deep heat into his aching back as a gift for now which is a huge deal for me as I detest the smell.

My fit watch came on Monday morning and I cannot sit in peace now with a cup of tea without it telling me to get up and be more active. The weather has been stormy so I only got out for an actual walk twice. I have abandoned the Lucy Windham workouts. I really need to start back into them again...and writing my novel...and dressing in normal clothes each day. I have taken to wearing active wear daily in the hopes I will actually be more active. I think what I need to do now is compare my steps to the Samsung together group to inspire or shame me into doing more. I suspect I have an ingrown toenail also because of the pain in my toe when I walk.

My husband is taking on the building of a house far away so he will have to stay gone for the week from March on. I offered to learn how to drive the tractor so I can help in the farming when he is gone. I welcome a new challenge though part of me is safe in the knowledge that he will refuse my kind offer.

The Music Exams are in two weeks and they clash with a course I wanted to do. Child#1 is giving up Music Lessons then to focus more on sport. It is such a shame considering how talented he is but it is his choice and maybe he will take it up again when he is older.

Child#4 will not stay in his own bed at night. He suddenly appears by our bedside at about 4am every morning. He does not say anything. He just stands there staring at us with a sulky pale face until one of us wakes in terror because we were feeling watched. The other night after Dart's Practice, my husband decided to sleep with Child#1 because his blood sugar's were going low. Child#4 appeared at my bedside looking for my husband. I told him that Dad was with Child#1 and for him to go back to bed. However, he went in to Child#1's room in a rage and slapped my poor husband across the face for daring to sleep with someone else. My husband woke up in shock. We sat Child#4 down the next morning and explained that this has to stop.

Child#1 is going into 'town' after school today to walk around in the cold and rain with his fellow teens. I have to do another big shop as we are low on food thanks to the bottomless pits that are my sons.
I don't think there is anything elsee to fill you in on.
I have been eating sweets the past few days and feel zombie like as a result. I had to abandon the protein bars as they were giving the poor baby foul smelling wind.
 I will renew my attempts at healthy ways next Monday as everyone knows you cannot start on a Saturday.
Child#2's confirmation is soon and I also have to book my baby's christening date so hopefully those two dates will serve as a motivator also.
I will write later if anything interesting happens.
Cheerio for now.

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Back after nearly a year! Ouick update! Big changes!

Hello everyone, I have neglected my blog shamefully since my return to work last April! Once I returned to work, time passed in a complete ...